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These are all additional categories our Delegates may compete in but are not mandatory. Learn about each of our categories below.

Ultimate Recruiter



The Delegate who recruits the most Delegates to compete for United Universe Productions within their competition year. This can be referred from the city level to the National Level. Winner will be announced during award ceremony at Nationals.

*Must recruit a minimum of 3 new paid Delegates in order to qualify. 

People's Choice


Every Delegate will be entered automatically!

This is a chance for your family, friends, and peers to show their support by voting online.

Each vote is $1, votes are unlimited.

Winner will receive a special award and prize!



Submit up to 5 photos that showcase your modeling talent. Include at least 1 headshot and 1 full body shot. Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.

Community Service


Submit up to 3 photos that showcase your community efforts with a spreadsheet breakdown of community service hours completed during your reign. Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.

United States Pageant



Showcase your dedication to fitness and your hard work. Ages 18 and under most wear fitness wear all other age categories can choose fitness or swimwear. Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.

Public Speaker


Showcase your Public Speaking talent on stage by sharing a message around your platform, a life experience or a motivational speech.  You have 3 minutes, move the crowd and make an impact. Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.



 Showcase a costume representing your heritage and share a 90 second monologue educating our UUP community on what role it has played as a positive impact in world history. Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.



Submit a 3-minute prerecorded video of your talent.

Sing, dance, play an instrument, share a monologue or get creative and showcase another unique talent you have!  
Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.

Miss America Pageant

Ultimate Titleholder


This is an OPEN DIVISION where you compete against everyone from all division. The delegate with the highest total score for main competition areas will win. Winner will be announced during award ceremony.

Philanthropist of the Year


This  award will go to the titleholder who raises the most for one or a combination of non-profits, charities, and community organizations.  Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.



Submit up to 10 photos that showcase your academic interests and achievements, hobbies, goals, community efforts, platform, and fashion sense.  Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.

Media Mogul


This is where we will look at all the social media platform and see how you are branding yourself online. Are you a role model and making an impact to your following? Highest score and winner will be announced during award ceremony.

Miss World Pageant

© 2022 United Universe Productions, LLC.    © 2024 Royal United Universe Pageants, LLC                                       

Contact UUP:                           

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