Ամեն հերթով աջակցություն գտնելը
Մենք շատ ենք մտածում մեր համայնքին աջակցելու մասին, և դուք մեր համայնքն եք: Հետևաբար, մենք ցանկանում ենք ձեզ տրամադրել ռեսուրսների այս անվճար ցանկը, որը դուք կարող եք ուսումնասիրել՝ անկախ ձեր ներկայիս կարիքից:

Մեր պատմությունը
Մեր թիմը զգացել է սպեկտրի երկու կողմերը: Մատչելիության և իմացության բացակայությունն այն մասին, թե ինչ աջակցող կազմակերպություններ կան, որտեղ շատ անհարկի պայքար, ցավ և հետաձգված հաջողություններ են առաջացրել կյանքում: Հակառակ կողմը, մենք ունենք թիմի անդամներ, որոնք կարողացել են ուղղակիորեն աշխատել կազմակերպությունների հետ, որոնք առատորեն օգտակար, բարեհամբույր էին և հենց այն կատալիզատորն էին, որը փոխեց ոչ միայն նրանց կյանքը, այլև նրանց ամբողջ ընտանիքի կյանքը ՀԱՎԵՐԺ դեպի լավը:
Սրանք եզակի պատմություններ չեն, դրանք ընդամենը մի քանի արագ օրինակներ են, որոնք արձագանքվում են ամբողջ աշխարհում: Մեր հիմնադիրը միշտ ասում է. «Ոչ ոք այս կյանքից ազատ չի ելնում», ինչը նշանակում է, որ յուրաքանչյուր մարդ իր կյանքի մի կետում կզգա ցավ, տրավմա, սրտի ցավ կամ պայքար: Ահա թե ինչու մենք ուրախ ենք կիսել այս ցուցակը, որը երբեք ամբողջական չէ, մենք միշտ ավելացնում ենք այս ցուցակը և ուրախ ենք, որ դուք հույս, օգուտ և լուծում եք գտնում այս ռեսուրսներից մեկում:
This is just a small list of what is available out there, broken down by category for ease of search on this page.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Sexual Assault Hotline
The National Child Abuse Hotline
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
The Partnership at Drugfree.org
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The Recovery Village
The National Adoption Center
The North American Council on Adoptable Children
The Adoption Exchange Association
The American Academy of Adoption Attorneys
The Joint Council on International Children's Services
The REEL Hope Project
Alzheimer's Disease:
The Alzheimer's Association
The Alzheimer's Foundation of America
The National Institute on Aging
The Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation
The Alzheimer's Society
The Humane Society of the United States
The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
World Wildlife Fund
The Sierra Club
Best Friends Animal Society
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America
The Boys Scouts of America
The Boy's Town National Hotline
The National Association of Boys and Girls Clubs
The National Boy Scout Council
The National Association of Small Business Owners
The National Business Association
The National Association of Women Business Owners
The National Association of Minority Business Owners
The National Association of Black Women Entrepreneurs
Cancer Research:
American Cancer Society
Cancer Research Institute
Stand Up To Cancer
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Save the Children
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America
The Children's Defense Fund
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
The American Medical Association
The American Academy of Pediatrics
The American Academy of Family Physicians
The American Osteopathic Association
The American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons
Domestic Issues:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Association of Emergency Shelters
The National Association of Domestic Violence Shelters
The National Network to End Domestic Violence
The National Coalition Against Against against Domestic Violence
The American Association of Community Colleges
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities
The National Association for the Education of Young Children
The American Federation of Teachers
The National Education Association
The National Association of Women Business Owners
The National Center for Women & Information Technology
The National Association of Black Women Entrepreneurs
The National Association of Latino Entrepreneurs
The National Association of Small Business Owners
The National Association of Family Child Care
The National Association of Foster Care
The National Association of Parents
The National Association of Mother and Father and Children
The National Association of Family Group Decision Making
Feeding America
Meals on Wheels
The Salvation Army
The Food Bank Association of New York State
The Food Bank of the Rockies
Foster Care:
The National Foster Parent Association
The North American Council on Adoptable Children
The Foster Family-Based Treatment Association
The Child Welfare League of America
The American Foster Care Resources Association
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
The Financial Planning Association
The Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education
The Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards
The Institute of Financial Planning
Girls Inc.
The Girl Scouts of the USA
The National Girls Collaborative Project
The National Association of Girls Clubs
The National Girl Scout Council
The National Coalition for the Homeless
The National Alliance to End Homelessness
The National Association of Emergency Shelters
The National Association of Homeless Children and Youth
The National Association of Runaway and Homeless Youth
Housing Placement:
The National Low Income Housing Coalition
The National Alliance to End Homelessness
Habitat for Humanity
The Homeless Advocacy Project
The National Coalition for the Homeless
Human Trafficking:
The National Human Trafficking Hotline
The International Labor Organization
The Freedom Network USA
The A21 Campaign
American Immigration Council
International Refugee Assistance Project
National Immigration Law Center
United We Dream
Border Angels
Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project
Job Placement:
The National Resume Writers' Association
The Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches
The National Career Development Association
The International Association of Professional Career Coaches
The Career Development Association of Alberta
The Human Rights Campaign
The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against AIDS Foundation (GLAAD)
The National Center for Transgender Equality
The Trevor Project
The Williams Institute
Legal Assistance:
The American Bar Association
The National Association of Legal Assistants
The National Association of Legal Secretaries
The National Association of Paralegals
The National Association of Legal Aid Attorneys
The Men's Health Network
The National Center for Men
The National Coalition for Men
The Men's Rights Association
The National Association for Men
Mental Health:
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Mental Health America
The Jed Foundation
Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
The National Mentoring Partnership
MENTOR: The National Mentoring Alliance
The Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
The National Association of Professional Women
The National Youth Leadership Council
The National Association of Black Journalists
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists
The National Association of Asian American Professionals
The National Association of Native American Chambers of Commerce
The National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates
Physical Health:
American Heart Association
American Diabetes Association
American Lung Association
American Cancer Society
American Kidney Fund
Feeding America
The Salvation Army
Catholic Charities USA
The Association of Gospel Rescue Missions
The International Association of Gospel Rescue Missions
The National Association of Community Colleges
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities
The National Association of Elementary School Principals
The National Association of Secondary School Principals
The National Association of Independent Schools
Sexual Abuse:
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
The National Sexual Assault Hotline
Darkness to Light
The National Center for Victims of Crime
The Joyful Heart Foundation
The National Coalition for the Homeless
The National Association of Emergency Shelters
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Association of Domestic Violence Shelters
The National Network to End Domestic Violence
The National Collegiate Athletic Association
The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics
The National Junior College Athletic Association
The National High School Athletic Association
The National Federation of State High School Associations
The National Science Foundation
The National Academy of Sciences
The National Institute of Standards and Technology
The National Academy of Engineering
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The National Science Foundation
The National Institute of Standards and Technology
The National Academy of Sciences
The National Academy of Engineering
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The National Center for Transgender Equality
The Trans Lifeline
The Transgender Law Center
The Human Rights Campaign
The Trevor Project
The National Automobile Dealers Association
The American Trucking Association
The National Association of Trailer Manufacturers
The National Association of Truck Stop Owners
The National Association of Fleet Administrators
The American Legion
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
The Disabled American Veterans
The Military Order of the Purple Heart
The Vietnam Veterans of America
The National Organization for Women
The Women's Health Network
The Women's Rights Association
The National Coalition of Women's Organizations
The Women's Resource Center