Find your division below!
All divisions are available for Local, National & International Pageant events.
Age ranges and Divisions are based on current industry volume of Delegates per Division. In the future, should a Division grow in popularity, there is a chance it will be broken down into multiple age ranges to increase opportunity and fairness.
Eligibility is based on the information listed below in each Division Category. Delegates must meet the age requirement on 1st day of the International Competition month.
Areas of Competition are listed HERE
Areas of Optional Competition are listed HERE
Mofumahatsana e monyane
Lilemo tse 4-6
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
Mofumahatsana e Monyane
Lilemo tse 7-9
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha

Mofumahali PreTeen
Lilemo tse 10-12
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
Mofumahatsana Junior Teen
Lilemo tse 13-15
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa sehlooho sa lehae & naha e hlolisanang ka
Mofumahatsana Mocha
Lilemo tse 16-19
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
Lilemo tse 20-25
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
Mohlomong o ne a nyetse pele empa eseng hona joale
Ekaba le bana kapa ha ba na

Lilemo tse 26-34
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
E ka 'na eaba o nyetse pele, empa eseng hona joale
Ekaba le bana kapa ha ba na
Mme Mosadi
Lilemo tse 35-44
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
E kanna ea nyaloa pele, empa eseng hona joale
Ekaba le bana kapa ha ba na
Ages 20-44 years
Natural born female
Citizen of local title & country competing in
Must currently be married
Lilemo tse 18-39 le lilemo tse 40+
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
E tlameha ebe o nyetse hajoale

Mme Elite
Lilemo tse 45-59
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
E kanna ea nyaloa pele, empa eseng hona joale
Ekaba le bana kapa ha ba na

Lilemo tse 18-39 le lilemo tse 40+
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
E tlameha ebe o nyetse hajoale
Mme Plus
Lilemo tse 18-39 le lilemo tse 40+
E tlameha ho ba sehlopheng sa lilemo ho tloha ka January 1st ea selemo sa tlhōlisano
Motshehadi ya tsoetsoeng ka tlhaho
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
Boholo ba 14+
A nyale kapa a se nyale
Ekaba le bana kapa ha ba na
Ms Curvy Woman
Ages 45+
Natural born female
Citizen of local title & country competing in
Sizes 14+
May or may not be married
May or may not have children
Banyalani ba Borena
Mengwaha yohle
Moahi oa lebitso la lehae le tlholisano ea naha
Ha a khone ho ea tlholisanong ea 'mele
E tlameha ho khona ho ba video le ho qothisana lehlokoa le hoo
Puisano e Rekotiloeng (1/3 lintlha)
Setatemente se Rekotiloeng sa Phello ea Sechaba (lintlha tse 1/3)
Boteng ba Mecha ea Sechaba (1/3 lintlha)
Khetho (tsohle tse rekotiloeng le tse rometsoeng)
Ho apara ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng
Motsoako oa lifoto
Lihlopha tse tharo tse kholo li ne li lekana ka ho lekana
Elite Royal Couple
One parties must be 45 years or older
Natural born Male and Natural born Female
Citizen of local title & country competing in
Must currently be married to each other
Both parties in couple compete in all areas of competition.